The Berlin Holocaust Monument is an intriguing piece of art right in the heart of the capital Germany. The monument expresses the sort of seemingly ne...
In the old Rotterdam Onderzeebootloods (submarine construction hall) Turkish artist Sarkis exposes some of his latest creations. These bicycles covere...
The objects created by Willowman Will Beckers impressed me most when visiting the 2012 Floriade gardening exhibition in the Dutch town of Venlo. Will ...
In the Groningen Ebbingekwartier (Ebbinge Quarter)Â as a temporary ending of a grassy area concrete blocks make people sitting apart from another on a...
The recently reopend Palais de Tokyo in Paris has an interesting attitude in what art is these days and how it can be presented. Most fascinating is h...
The Bean (Cloud Gate) in Chicago as a work of art invites everyone to create their own work of art. For more Chicago, Illinois, photos you may visitÂ...