Leuven, Icecream

In summer the Old Market  in Leuven is the place to enjoy an icecream. Just a few kilometers from Brussels, Leuven is a beautiful town to visit. Lots...

Leuven, Zwartzustersklooster

Parts of the Leuven Zwartzustersklooster certainly needs to be restored. The Zwartzustersklooster (Black sisters convent) possibly dates from the 15...

Leuven, Taxidriver

Taxidriver waiting for the bride and the broom. In front of the Leuven Cityhall this taxidriver is waiting in his Limousine for the newly married to p...

Leuven, Cathedral

Layers of incoming light, stained glass and construction in Leuven Cathedral. Leuven is a vivid studenttown just a few kliometers from Brussels. It...