Noordwijk, Decos 5

Playing ball in the new Decos officebuilding in Noordwijk. For more Netherlands photos you may visit here.  ...

Noordwijk, Decos 4

Playing ball in the new Decos officebuilding in Noordwijk. For more Netherlands photos you may visit here.  ...

Noordwijk, Decos 3

Playing ball in the new Decos officebuilding in Noordwijk. For more Netherlands photos you may visit here.  ...

Noordwijk, Decos 2

Playing ball in the new Decos officebuilding in Noordwijk. For more Netherlands photos you may visit here.  ...

Noordwijk, Decos 1

Playing ball in the new Decos officebuilding in Noordwijk. For more Netherlands photos you may visit here.  ...

Detroit, Book Tower

Interior of the Book Tower in Detroit. The Book Tower is a 38 story abandoned office building in downtown Detroit. It seems that there are plans to re...