Facade of the Grüne Zitadelle project in Magdeburg, Germany. The Green Citadel is a project by Hundertwasser, and contains housing, a hotel and some ...
Winterportrait in Magdeburg. Magdeburg is the capital of the German Bundesland of Sachsen Anhalt. It is an interesting city to see the different attit...
Two colours in the rain, seen form the Dessau Räucherturm. Dessau is a town in the German state of Sachsen Anhalt. While in earlier times the town wa...
Trying to get some shelter from the rain at the Räucherturm in Dessau. While the population is Dessau is shrinking rapidly a combination of landscapi...
The X-Mas market in Magdeburg has everything from fair, shopping, eating and drinking. As all larger German cities Magdebburg, the capital of the Bund...